Awesome Ways To Deal With Bullies!


Have you ever experienced bully? Have you ever seen anybody getting bullied? Have you taken any steps to stop it? What was reaction? This article is all about ways to deal with bullies. There I nothing much to write about. The ways are self-explanatory. Follow any of the following the ways and say NO to bullying act.

You have to raise your voice and express your opinion. You live in a democratic country and you have full rights to say NO if you do not approve it. you also can take any necessary action to stop that activity. But yes as it is shown in the image, you have to stay strong. These bullies will not be used to listen to NO. They will try hurting you. They will try to demotivate and discourage you but it is you who has to prove and show them, that it is not easy to trouble you.

Some people try troubling others in search of attention. As long as you give importance to their actions and make them feel that you are getting affected, till then they will continue to trouble you. They know that you getting irritated. they will have fun at your cost. In such cases, you should ignore them. A complete ban on reacting to their activities. Initially, they will be furious. They can trouble you more. But at one stage, when they do not receive any response from your side, they will look for some other prey. This is a case of “Every action has an equal and Opposite reaction”.

We have bullies who bully just for fun. They will have no intention to hurt or trouble you. They will consider it as a part of fun. But if you speak to them and convey your inconvenience, they will stop it immediately. But you will have to gather courage to go up to them and tell your opinion. It is not even fighting back. It is mere speaking up and keeping your point in front of them.

As the image says, keep calm and teach them a lesson. By doing so, you are making them experience what they made others feel. There is a possibility that they will stop immediately. They can even apologize and you people can become good friends. But for this you need to be smart. You need to know how to teach them a lesson. Otherwise, it can also have reverse effect. So be careful when you try something. If required, seek assistance. They can even point out loop holes, if there is any. This can make your plan strong.

This is one of the most experimented formulas. Let your teachers or parents know about it. They will take care of it.

It is very important to choose the right way of dealing. A wrong option can result in bad consequences. It is not necessary to go with my ways. You can create your own method of dealing. Which ever way you feel comfortable. But all I want to tell you people that do something, do not be silent and accept it. Because it not your fate and destiny.

– Aishwarya. J

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