We Interact – Mumbai 2012


MBA is the most required Masters Degree in today’s world. Nowadays, one cannot survive just pursuing a Grad degree in the corporate world. Companies require specialization, creative thinking and good personality and that exactly MBA provides to the students.

Keeping this in mind S.P.MANDAL WESCHOOL organized a seminar on 8th feb.2012 for the students who were looking for MBA and PGDM programme for guiding them to select the proper field of specialization.

The event was held at Welingkar Institute of Management, Matunga at 5:30 pm. As per the expectations, the event got overwhelming response with over 1200 + students participation.

Event started with the introduction of the speakers’ Prof. Sameer Karkhanis and Mr. Sarthi Roy.  Prof. Sameer Karkhan gave the introduction about Welingkar with the introductory video which stated how one should look forward for bright future. Also they introduced the new courses and PGDM programmes available in WESCHOOL like PGDM in Retail Management, PGDM in Business Design etc. Different talks on Supply chain management, Corporate interviews, criteria for WESCHOOL made an enthusiastic environment allover in the auditorium. Students were very interested to ask the questions about the institute and MBA etc, and Prof. Karkhanis also solved those queries in a very friendly way.

To guide the students to look forward for bright future, Prof.Sarthi Roy tried to influence students to have vision for themselves. He came up with some good examples and great facts that we are considering in our daily life. He also described the condition of India in past, present and how it will reflect our future. He also spoke about goal setting and planning for the future excellence and with this event ended at 8:30pm.

As per my view, the event was very effective and knowledgeable. I learned so many new things.  It will definitely help us allot in preparation for MBA. I would like to attend some more events organized by WESCHOOL.

 Yatin Patil



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