Weakness of Committee Form of Organisation


Weakness of Committee Form of Organisation


This form of organisation suffers from the following weakness:


1)    Delay: The main drawback of committee form of organisation is delay in taking decisions. A number of persons express their view points in meetings and a lot of time is taken oh reaching a decisions.

2)    Compromise: Generally, efforts are made to reach consensus decisions. The view point of the majority is taken as a unanimous decision of the committee. The taking of the majority may be valid but it may not be pursued for being singled out.

3)    No Accountability: No individual accountability can be fixed if these decisions are bad. Every member of the committee tries to defend himself by saying that he suggested a different solution. If accountability is not fixed ~hen it is the weakness of the organisation.

4)    Domination by some members: .Some members try to dominate in the committee meetings. They try to thrust their view point on -others.

5)    Strained Relations: Some times relations among committee members or with others become strained. If some members take divergent stands on certain issues, some may feel offended. It affects relations of employees not only on the job but at personal level also.

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