How To:- Wear Sheer With No Fear


images-218Sheer is sultry in fun.But do fear looking overexposed while wearing it?Here are tips to help you style sheer so that you embrace it with no fear!


1. Opposites attract

Sheer can be totally work-appropriate when it is used as a layering piece over an otherwise conservative top. Just make sure the sheer piece you are layering is loose enough that it doesn’t create awkward bunching and wrinkling underneath.

2. Monochromatic feel

Wearing one color head-to-toe helps all the elements blend together so the sheerness of any one piece is less noticeable.

3.  Embellishments spice it up

Embellishments create visual interest, which tricks the eye and gives the illusion of greater coverage.

4. Show of your midriff with sheer

A little sheer mesh or lace is great if you want to indulge in the crop-top trend, but don’t feel like going for the full-on belly bare.

5. Pulling off  menswear-inspired silhouettes with sheer fabrics.

Layer a sheer button-up over a bra or camisole then add pants for a more conservative look or a skirt for something a little sexier.

6. Going retro with a few small sheer accents.

Sheer fabrics are great for adding texture and visual interest to conservative shapes, like this oversized top.

7. Sheer panels and a basic pair of black pants to play smart

With a crisp button down and a simple pair of heels, it’s yet another way to make sheer work at the office.

8. Pairing prints with sheer fabrics to make it less transparent.

The busier the print the harder it is to see through, so you don’t have to think so much about what you’re wearing underneath.

9. A simple pair of pumps with sheer socks.

Stick to closed-toe shoes to keep unflattering toe seams from creeping out and distracting from your overall look.

10. Using  sheer patches to bring a sexy, feminine element to ’90s-grunge ripped denim.

If you don’t want to buy the look premade, you can always have a tailor sew sheer panels behind the holes in your own jeans, or if they are especially tight just layer them over a cool pair of sheer lace tights for the same kind of look.

11. Layering  something sheer under an asymmetric skirt or top.

Just make sure the top layer is thick enough that the sheer fabric underneath doesn’t create unflattering bumps and bulges.

12.Choose pieces with sheer panels that won’t expose too much

Choose something nude with a simple strap and then look for sheer fabrics with a little texture or print to obscure the straps underneath.

13.Balance short and sheer on the bottom with something more covered up on top.

Sheer fabrics are also great for making sporty silhouettes, like these high-cut runner shorts, feel more feminine.

14. Wearing it sassy by pairing a cute, girly cardigan with a sheer overlay pencil skirt.

A lower neckline on top, whether it’s a T-shirt, button-down, or crop top, is good for balancing out the more conservative elements of the look to make it feel a little more fun.

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Riya Lokhande


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