Wearing Your Pearls Elegantly!



Pearls are timeless, basic fashion jewelry which always make an truly elegant statement. You might know that one of today’s hottest pearl styles is to wear multiple strands of pearls – layer on the pearls! To get the layering effect mix together different pearl sizes and lengths.

Multiple strands of pearls can work for both for day and evening outfit combinations. Don’t forget that white isn’t the only pearl color. Try wearing black, peach, lavander or pearls in pastel colors. Tahitian pearls have base colors that range from black, gray, blue, green and brown with shimmering overtones of blue, pink, gold and silver.

As for the earrings, long pearl earrings could be the perfect fashion choice. Sexy pearl chandelier styles are perfect for evening looks while the long, geometric pearl earrings in white and yellow gold are the perfect choice for daytime outfits and even for going to work. Don’t be afraid to get glamorous with sensuous, shoulder-sweeping pearl earrings.

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For beautiful and stylish hands try wearing pearl bangles and pearl bracelets – big and small.

Here are some styling tips, ideas and inspirational look for wearing pearl jewelry.

1. For trendy look create layers of pearls, wear multiple strands of pearls or even layer pearls with other necklaces.

2. Find the perfect pearl statement necklace – let it be chunky and opulent with interesting details such as the girly bow. Statement necklaces are the absolute must-have for any season.

3. If you like mixing different materials and stones, try wearing jewelry where pearls mix with beads, shells, turquoise stones or with the modern golden chain.

4. Layers of pearls are not only reserved for necklaces, they also look so good on bracelets. Try wearing multi-layered chain pearl bracelets.


5. Think outside the box! If you like wearing hair accessories choose pearled hair bands, crowns or hair clips. These kind of pearl accessories are perfect for brides to wear on their wedding day.

6. How about mixing the pearls trend with colorful bracelets layering trend? Mix pearl bracelets with chunky chain bracelets, beaded bracelets or studded warp bracelets.

7. Every woman should own a gorgeous pair of pearl earrings. They look so good with chignon bun hairstyle and will instantly make you look sophisticated and elegant. Celebrities love this combination for the red carpet events.

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8. Lastly, let`s focus on gorgeous pearl rings. Most of you have probably seen them on you grandmothers and still even years later, pearl rings are sign of timeless elegance. Buy one for yourself and you will not regret it.


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Riya Lokhande


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