Weight Loss Is Not Just A Journey Of Losing That Extra Fat, It Is Much More Than That



Weight loss is not just a journey of losing that extra fat it is much more than that. It is an emotional journey. It is a journey that triggers not only your outer body but also your emotional state of mind. There are various emotions behind weight loss. Some people lose weight because they want to look great. A lot of Indians believe that fat people are like the worst people on earth. They mock them, hurt them and sometimes torture them. This makes them feel like a looser. They feel insulted, humiliated and get depressed. A lot of parents want their children to lose weight. They keep nagging about their children’s look. This in turn helps some children they aim to lose weight reverse psychology works on them. Of Couse being fat is bad as it affects the health of a person. Weight loss is needed for people who are overweight and obese people with a high level of cholesterol. Weight loss brings in a sense of positivity in oneself. It makes a person confident and people respect you in the society. A confident body and mind can impress any one. No one likes an obese person. Sure some of them do. But we have to live according to the society. You don’t have to be super skinny nor do you have to super fat. Having just the right weight is essential. Not to show off to the society but it’s for your own body.

People say you are what you eat. If you eat healthy you are healthy, if you eat fatty foods you will naturally be fat. There are a few people who put on weight very fast due to hormonal issues like PCOD, thyroid and even diabetes. Whereas some people lose weight for the same reasons. Everyone has a different body type and the body mechanism is different too. You may come across people who eat twice as you and are still so very thin for a matter of fact even skinny. This happens because they have a high metabolic rate. For some they are naturally like that and they will always remain that way.

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Some women eat right. Some don’t. Dieticians suggest having 5 small snacks a day instead of having 3 full meals. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A lot of women skip breakfast and or have cornflakes. It does not help any way. It will only make you more fat and weak. Eat right and live healthy. There are various ways of losing weight. Some of the ways of weight loss are gym (cardio), weight training, walking, running, skipping, cycling, swimming, jogging, Zumba and power yoga many more. There are shortcut methods too like tummy tucking surgery, liposuction, having protein or nutrition powder shakes. Nutrition powders may be good but surgery and laser operations are not really a good option. It creates a lot of marks on your body unlike stretch marks. Stretch marks are the signs that your body that was expanded is not contracting and you are getting into shape. It’s a good thing not really a bad thing.

People refer to a lot of books and magazines, websites to help them lose weight. But I personally feel nothing is impossible if you really have three things

  1. Hard work.
  2. Dedication.
  3. Determination.

Hardwork is important unless you don’t put in your efforts you will not lose weight.

Dedication – you need to be dedicated to your exercise and diet. Without proper diet you will never be able to lose weight.

Determination- it is equally important to be determined to do it and really take the efforts.

It is very easy to tell your friends and family that you’re going to the gym you are doing so much but look at you your still the same fat. It really demotivates a person try not doing that. You may never know how bad people feel about their weight. It is displeasing to hear about your weight.  Reading motivational books helps you feels better. There is an awesome book called confessions of a serial dieter that book is lovely after reading that book I felt motivated and wanted to lose weight. You can relate to the book if you are fat and you are trying to deal with that fat around your waist and the entire body.

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Get motivated by TV actor and actresses like Sonakshi Sinha, sonam Kapoor, Aliya bhatt, Arjun Kapoor etc. there are not thin from the very beginning. They too were fat but they have lost weight. For all the mothers who think no after a baby or after so many years how does it matter if I lose weight or no? It does matter in many ways you will discover it. You can get motivated by shilpa Shetty celebrities like Kim Kardashian and jersey shore Snooky. They are one of the hottest moms around. Looking beautiful and being fit is not only meant for teenagers or young adults but for everybody. People of all age groups can become thin and lose that extra weight and see what a difference it can make to your life. When you start losing weight you will start receiving compliments that will make you happy but don’t let it go to your head. Receiving compliments only mean you are being noticed and your efforts are being paid off well keep continuing the same effort and let them swallow their words.

Losing weight is difficult for me too even I am trying to lose weight since a long time and to some extend I have succeeded. But I am not stopping till I don’t achieve my target of losing that extra fat and that weight and getting back into shape.





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