Welingkar GD PI Experience

Welingkar GDPI Experience of a student:
GD-social enterprenur v/s Corprorate job.
made 5-6 decent entries,1 pt my fellow gd person said a very good pt.
PI-1-tell me about urself?
2-Why MBA?
3-asked more abt my role in Accenture n d Project?
4-asked me why I did NCFM
5-asked me abt Accenture employee strength,CEO,largetst faculty in India n all
6-asked me an incident where I used my anylytical skills.-told him abt I invest in stock market n told him a particular incident
7-what sort of role u l look aftr E -Biz?told him in d role of a BA in accenture.
8-why nt E-biz bangalore?i told him that i m emotionally
attached to the family.
9-my Ratings in Accenture.
10-Why ppl are getting saturated in IT?
in d end they said I know a lot about Accenture & wished me best of luck.
Physchometric test was decent.
creativity test dint go well as I felt it was more of a GK


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Rochelle D souza
Educational Qualifications: M. Sc., M. Ed., SET (Edu.), CPWED (ISB) Rochelle has learnt management from ISB and is equipped with a degree in education which she uses to fine tune processes in the teaching-learning process at Quoin. She conducts various workshops for GDPI students. She believes in nurturing individual talent and working on enhancing students strengths

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