Welingkar GDPI Experience 19th May 2013


GD/PI Experience shared by a student:
Date: May 19, 2013
Centre: Kolkata
Time Slot: 11:15 am

Xth: 71.80%
XII: 63%
BE: 69.56%
ATMA Percentile: 85
CMAT Score :214

GD Panel: 1 Male & 1 Female
GD Topic: Winning is all that matters
GD Time: 1 minutes to arrange thoughts & 20 minutes for discussion
GD Members: 7
It was good, everybody got the opportunity to deliver their view. Then everybody was given just 10-15 second to summarize.

1. why did u left job?
2. Asked abt certain design industry?
I was unawre of it. Then I tol them abt my job- Automotive desin induatry, software packages we use.
3. Anything that need a change in design?
I anwered with examples of mechanical design. He interrupted – anything new, apart from mechanical and all.
Then answered.
4. Hobbies- social networking- how online social networking can benefit industry
5. Asked me what type of newspaper I read generally.
6. Asked me to tell some news of recent past that is in my mind.
7. Asked me to explain inflation in terms of indian industrial situation.(Actually I mentioned 1 news- inflation 3 yrs low mark)
Answered (not probably accurately)
8. Asked how FDI is going to help indian industry, inflation, demand -supply and all?
Answered, but I was not so convinced by my answer.

Asked to leave.
Psychometry test : simple questions about yourself- how do u find when u are in a group and so on.
creativity test : GK questions : Logo questions,(same from previous post of other pg member) a scene showing various fishes & question asked what it depicts (options were there).

It was good.

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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cetkingworkshops

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