What A Fantastic & Breath-taking Win By Mumbai Indians



It couldn’t had been more amazing and entertaining in watching Mumbai Indian tasting victory and best of all the victory being solely depended on the final ball  being made to rest outside the boundary. The credit goes to the batsman Aditya Tare hitting a six on the last ball of the last over of the match, if had not being taken place the victory would have been slipped in the hands of the Royals from the hands of the Mumbai Indians.


Michael hussy being the Captain is on seventh sky on seeing Mumbai Indians being qualified for the finals of the Indian Premier league 2014 at the expense of Shane Watson’s Rajasthan Royals dream of winning the title.

It was truly an amazing with each every eye on the last ball of the last over. Supporters of both the teams were going through intensive beating of their hearts with just one hope in mind of seeing their favourite team tasting victory and qualifying for finals.


The moment Mumbai Indians won there was a sudden flow of Happiness and celebrations which took place in the form of bursting crackers on the streets of Mumbai. Seeing Mumbai Indians win filled the hearts of its each and every supporter with joy and pride and along with the celebrations absence of the legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkars was largely felt. So now after seeing this victory we can say ‘Duniya hila DI’

We the residents of Mumbai truly wish to see the Mumbai Indians lifting the title of the IPL in this season as well.


– Burhan Fatehi


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