What after BMS?


What after BMS?

Students frequently ask what they should do after BMS. They should go for post graduation or they should go for work experience or first they should take work experience for 1-2 years and then go for further studies. If post graduation then what studies one should go for, to utilize their base built up in last three years in graduation studies. If they feel post graduation is what they don’t want to go for and join directly into job then what suitable sector one should join?

On professional studies side, student can go for MBA, CA, CS, FRM, CFA, CFP, and MCOM etc. One needs to think over by getting into details of each course and foresee what career opportunity available with them after doing those courses and whether one is comfortable with the same or not.

In addition to visualize one needs to understand need of professional education to fetch better returns for their career. For eg. For doing CA or CS, one need not have before hand experience as it is part of curriculum by way of internship of the course.

Talking about doing MBA, MBA before 1990’s was considered as professional studies to be done to improvise your business. Post 1990’s with MNC creating jobs in India people moved towards jobs culture and so the MBA aspirants, people used to take 2-5 years of work experience and then join MBA program to do their work better. Now a day’s people are making big mistake by taking MBA program as platform to get the job. It is recommended to have experience beforehand to understand work life as well as yourself in terms of your efficiency and inefficiency. Students joining MBA immediately after graduation, always complaint after 2 years of MBA that average package was Rs. 5 lacs and they ended up at Rs. 3-3.5 lacs.

To understand more on what BMS student can think over their career, we have advised on following different situations,

Situations No.

Situation brief


Situation 1

Student keen to join family business

He/she should join his family business for 12 to 18 months and join for MBA related to his family business or Marketing and/or finance as per business requirement.

Situation 2

Student keen on joining JOB directly, No plan for doing further studies.

Students are advised to look at again possibility of further studies but if decision is firm to do job then he/she is advised to join marketing, Finance or HR related job so that students get related experience. Even at later stage they can plan for part time MBA to polish themselves.

Situation 3

Students plan to join further studies

Students are advised to envision at their future after doing their post graduation degree, to think over whether they achieve their professional goals or not. For eg. A BMS student always keen to become Marketing professional, then student should think about MBA in marketing. If one thinks about corporate finance then he/she should think about CA or MBA in finance.

Situation 4

Students plan to join post graduation after 12-24 months of work experience.

Students are advised to focus on their area of interest while selecting their work. This is right time to work on one’s area of interest and to evaluate whether one’s interest can be converted into its career or not. For eg. Student keen on getting into industry for marketing of financial product, he/she is advised to go for similar lines after graduation so that he/she can make best use of his/her 4 years i.e. 2 year of experience in evaluating interest and 2 years of efficiencies polishing & developing new capabilities in same area in two years post graduation.


Situations may vary from student to student depending on his/her personal, social and professional needs. But at this stage after completion of graduation at the age of 20-21 one should give itself chance to evaluate his area of interest in order to have suitable GOAL in future.

This is general question (what after BMS?) with students as it’s right age for students to look at bigger picture, but what they should keep in mind is that they should always think about their long term plan i.e. GOAL. It is fair to say that at this stage it is difficult for student to decide on life time GOAL at this age, but one should always remember one need to have its goal, if not today then tomorrow. It is advisable to have goal and it is more advisable to have FOCUS on YOUR GOAL.

To put it into nutshell, Best career planning is which one make himself/herself happy in personal, social and professional life altogether.

Disclaimer: Writer of this article Mr. Nikesh Sheth is CA, MBA, Mcom , professor at various institutes for BMS subjects and ex-banker; advises are given on general situations which may or may not be the exact case for students.

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Mr. Nikesh Sheth is CA, MBA, Mcom , professor at various institutes for BMS subjects and ex-banker


  1. Hi,
    I am a BMS Graduate and planning to persue CS. Do I need to have accounts proficieny for persuing the same? As i am working i will not be able to join classes for the same. So will I be able to cope up with the syllabus?

    1. if you considering studies as your first priority , then you should concentrate on C.S rather than working. further , C.S is gonna get to executive level. so it will be difficult for you to handle it, only if you can co-up with it..

  2. I am final year bms. i am planning to do mba and also want to do any professional studies. according to you which course would have future scope for a job with good designation.
    Is CA or CS are better studies to do or any other field.

  3. Hi, after finishing my B.M.S I did not find any lucrative job hence I ended up in a financial call center process. I worked as an executive then got promoted to quality. Currently, I am team leader (different company) and I am handling Phone Banking Team for a finance company. I am looking for changing field as I am not getting good opportunity. I am not willing to work in call center anymore. Is there any way I can change my field? Will Executive MBA in Finance be any help?

    1. Dear Babar, for doing MBA from London, a bachelor’s degree is required alongwith GMAT score and some years of work experience. MBA from London will be helpful for you to understand business from an international perspective and an Indian MBA will help you gain business related knowledge related to the Indian market. Foreign MBA will be more expensive and it may take more time to recover the fees of the business degree. If you wish to work in India after your MBA then MBA in India is preferred from both knowledge and economical perspectives.

  4. I am pursuing BMS and have a commerce background. My family business is of pharmaceuticals trading. Which course can I take up to assist in the business effectively in the future?

  5. Hello, I just finished my 3rd Year B.M.S, Now instead of proceeding with MBA, I want to do an intern for at-least a year or a 2 to get familiar with the fields and the Environment.
    So please i need help regarding the fields in scope right now and what are the alternatives to pursue. My field of interest is Marketing.

    1. That’s a good choice. See which startups are hiring interns in marketing ( digital marketing, ad sales, outbound marketing etc).

      Interning with startups will give you larger exposure as the work load is high and you get to do everything. With a corporate internship your role might be restricted to more of an assistants job of doing errands (at-least that’s what I hear)

      We’re recruiting too if you’d like to work directly with me on BMS.co.in 🙂

  6. I’ve completed my BMS from Mumbai Univ. this year & have been confused weather to go for any career in Banking or anything else?? Can you advise me if i go for banking sector then preparations for which exams i’ll have to do? what will be the route to make a career in banking sector??

  7. I have completed BMS these year itself. and now i m working in ventura securities broker. but thrz no much scope fr exploring skills or challenges. can u plz suggest any other job related to my field BMS ?

  8. i am in bms 1 year and i want to go for an job experience before joining MBA. am too confused in MBA in finance or HR can you help me out please

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