What Am I Longing For..


Since 2 years i daily get up in the morning.. first i see my dad with the news paper.. :/ wondering what does he really read when he has seen the whole darn news at night 😕 ( BORING !! ).. often i have to hear ” Look at this one where he was and now what he has become “.. times I wonder what i got to do – its of no use to me 🙁 .. But at times the news keeps hitting my head when will I get a chance to be there when my dad wont have words to taunt but to appreciate 😡

Have to hear that every time when m parents watch tv (thats cuz it only news that most of the fathers see :P).. or early mornings .. when am really excited to go for a cinema tat ruins my whole mood.. cuz thats the first thg i tell frdzz… ” MY DAD STARTED THE WHOLE THG AGAIN.. When will he understand “…

But we really have to think about what we want.. cuz we are no less than any scientist .. we have need to be unique in wat we do.. its like we know what we want, we know where we want to be… its juz that we are waiting for the right path to come.. but do we wait red signal to cross.. I guess no.. we cross from the bad traffic where people abuse and shout.. we smile at times or scream.. or fight but are eager to leave cuz there is someone somethg waiting for us at the other end.. then why wait for the right path..

I say find the right path.. our patience for longing for the right path will always keep us waiting.. No matter how hard it is.. no matter who stands with us.. or who leaves us.. When they see us at the top they are sure to come back..

It is said ” Fame everytime cant bring you money… but can get your old lost pals back for sure! That’s the beauty of it ! “

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A sweet ambitious gal.. who likes to have fun and do everything possible but yeah in limits though ! love to read but fiction.. its kinda my world.. its where my voice lies ! very flexible but not with the wrong work done.. i like to stand for the right and will do it always wat come may.. i am a singing soul.. i can call myself a part of music.. that is whr i belong straight in the heart.. thr is so much i can ryt about myself.. a mixture of every story a mixture of thousand songs.. am really complicated at times.. but i truely know wat i want.. where i want to go.. its not only me who thinks all this its everyone who does.. i did like to be a voice for them and would want them to be my strength !! <3


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