What are adjustment letter principles?


Analysis of Complaint:


In dealing with a complaint all related facts should be investigated to determine (a) whether the complaint is justified and (b) whether, and how, adjustment is to be effected.


Justification of Complaint:


Experience proves that most of the complaints are justified. They are usually a result of fault on the part of the seller or third party (transporter, etc.). A complaint is considered unfair when buyer is at fault and the request is for undue advantage.


Grant of Adjustment:


A justified complain needs proper adjustment, e.g., refunding money, replacing merchandise, performing additional service, admitting fault and assuring care in future, and taking rightful action against third party responsible for the damage. Proper explanation is necessary if buyer is at fault or complaint is based on misunderstanding.


Adjustment Principles:


1.      Answer promptly to avoid further complaint. When immediate adjustment is not possible, an acknowledgement letter assures that the complaint is being conserved.

2.      Give the customer the benefit of doubt by assuming that the customer is right, unless the facts prove him/her wrong.

3.      Accept blame gracefully when it is justified: to beg pardon or be unnecessarily humble is considered poor acceptance that may result in loss of goodwill.

4.      Be diplomatic, especially when the addressee is at fault or complaint is based on misunderstanding. A diplomatic writer can say anything without insulting the reader.


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