What are guidelines for effective problem resolution?


What are guidelines for effective problem resolution?

Ans.    1.      Admit Mistakes, but don’t be defensive : Acting defensively may suggest that the organisation has something to hide or is reluctant fully explore the situation.

            2.      Act Fast : If the complaint is made during the service delivery, then Time is of the essence to achieve a full recovery. When complaints are made after the fact, many companies have established policies of responding within 24 hours or sooner. Even when full resolution is likely to be longer, fast acknowledgement remains very important.

            3.      Don’t argue with customers : The goal should be to gather fact, to reach a mutually acceptable solution, not to win a debate or prove that the customer is an idiot. Arguing gets in the way of listening and seldom diffuses anger.

            4.      Show that you understand the problem from each customer’s point of view : Seeing situations through the customer eyes is the only way to understand what they think has gone wrong and why they are upset. Service personnel should avoid jumping to conclusions with their own interpretation.

            5.      Give customers the benefit of the doubt : All the customers may not be truthful, and also not all complaints are justified. But customers should be treated at though they have a valid compliant until clear evidence to the contrary emerges. If a lot of money is at stake, like insurance claims or lawsuits, a full investigation is warranted. If the amount involved is small, it may not be worth to refund or compensate. But it’s good idea to check records to see if there is a past history of dubious complaints by the same customer.

            6.      Acknowledge the customer’s feelings : Acknowledge the feelings of the customer tactfully, for example, “I can understand why you are upset.” This action helps to build rapport, which is the first step in building a bruised relationship.

            7.      Clarify the steps needed to solve the problems : When instant solutions are not possible, telling customers how the organisation plans to proceed, shows that corrective action is being taken. It also sets expectations about the time involved.

            8.      Keep customers informed of the progress : Nobody likes being left in the dark. Uncertainty breeds, anxiety and stress. People tend to be more accepting of disruptions, if they know what is going on, and receive progress reports.

            9.      Consider compensation : When customers do not receive the service outcomes that debate for or have suffered serious inconveniences or loss of time and money, because the service failed, either a monetary payment or an offer of equivalent service in kind, is appropriate. This type of recovery strategy may also reduce the risk of legal action by an angry customer. Service guarantees often lay out in advance, what such compensation will be and the firm should ensure that all guarantees are met.

            10.    Preserving to regain customer’s goodwill : when customers have been disappointed, one of the biggest challenge is to restore their confidence and preserve the relationship for the future.



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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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