What are Intrapreneurial Qualities?


(1)  Innovator: The intrapreneur should possess qualities of innovation.  He should be creative and understand the internal and external environment.

(2)  Visionary: An Intrapreneur should be a visionary leader.  He should be a dreamer and a seeker.  He has to work against all odds to achieve his vision.

(3)  Knowledgeable: In order to analyse the environment an intrapreneur should be knowledgeable.

(4)  Flexibility: Intrapreneur should be flexible and create management options.

(5)  Encourage Team Work: In order to achieve good results an intrapreneur must encourage team work.  He cannot work in isolation.

(6)  Diplomatic: He should be a good diplomat.  He should not cut or kill but safeguarding the interest of all he should find an amicable solution.

(7)  Open to Discussion and Idea: Intrapreneur should encourage open discussion. The success will depend on the degree of openers of the intrapreneur.

(8)  Motivator: He should be a motivator and build a coalition of supporters.


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