What are order letters?


An order letter needs to be correct, complete and definite so that the reader may fill it exactly. Incompleteness or errors may mean further correspondence, shipping delays, complicated billing, repacking and reshipping and loss of business. Therefore, a good order letter should:


1.  Include full details of quantities, prices, colors, sizes etc.
2.  Quote catalogue number if any.
3.  State the requirements as to delivery – date, place, mode of transport etc.
4.  Confirm the terms of payment agreed in preliminary negotiation.
5.  Refer to the enclosure of cheque, pay order or draft or samples or colour of material if any.


Replying of Orders:


Ordinarily order letters need to reply. But replies should be written under following circumstance.


1.  When a customer requests for acknowledgement in confirmation of the order.
2.  When an order is incorrect incomplete or vague.
3.  When an order cannot be complied with.
4.  When extra time is needed to fill the order.

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