What are Sign Languages?


Sign languages involves use of audio and visual signals

  1. Audio (Sounds) Signals: – The main advantages of sound signals are given below

(i)            Sound signals convey the message very quickly. For example, the hooting of a siren in the factory immediately makes the workers active.

(ii)          Sound signals are very useful for managing time.

(iii)         The working of an organization can be streamlined with the help of buzzers and such other signals.

  1. Visual Signs/Aids:Visual aids help communicators to get their message, across more effectively to their audience. Visual aids help by making material more interesting, clarifying and simplifying complex subjects and highlighting important points for better retention by the audience.

(i)            Visual signals like pictures and poster convey the message very easily and economically.

(ii)          Colorful photographs and paintings make communication interesting and motivating.

(iii)         Pictures, posters etc. reflects the mental make-up and cultural backgrounds of the communicator.

(iv)          Poster and painting are useful for informing and educating illiterate people.

(v)           Posters are an effective means of advertising.



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