What Are The Activities of The World Bank?


World Bank


The fundamental aims underlying the World Bank’s activities are :


(1)  The Bank is not intended ‘to provide the external financing required for all meritorious projects of Reconstruction and development (but) to provide a catalyst by which production may be generally Stimulated and private investment encouraged;

The Bank should encourage necessary action by the member governments to ensure that the

Bank’s loans will actually prove productive. The promotion of sound financial programmes, the of unnecessary barrier, and the regional integration of production loans, where appropriate, are some of the fields in which the Bank may be able to exert a helpful influence; and


(2) Bank must play an active rather than passive role (and take advantage of its international cooperative character ) to initiate and develop plans to the end that the Bank’s resources are used not only prudently from the standpoint of its investors but wisely from the standpoint of the world.


The World Bank is primarily concerned to ensure that its loans make the greatest possible contribution to increase the production, raising the living standards of people in the borrowing member country and opening opportunities for further investment in the borrowing member country.



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