What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Magazine Advertising?


Magazine Advertising


Magazines can be grouped as weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc. they include general interest magazines, trade publications & special interest magazines. Business India, India Today, sports star, femina, star dust etc. are some popular magazines.

Advantages of advertisement in magazine:

  • Easily availability:-

It can be easily available. This provides an opportunity to the advertisers to reach the narrowly defined readers segments.

  • Long life:-

Advertisements placed in the magazines have a long life & is often passed along to several readers.

  • More attractive & batter positioning:-

Advertisement for products or services positioned on life style variable can be placed well in the magazines as compared to newspapers.

  • Prestigious media:-

Magazine advertising lends prestige to the product, especially when the magazine has high credibility & visibility.


Disadvantage of advertisement in magazines:

  • Not so flexible:-

Most magazines have relatively long advertising deadlines, reducing the flexibility & the ability of advertisers to react to fast changing market conditions.

  • Less impact in repetition:-

Repetitive advertisements in the magazines do not have the same impact as that in the newspapers.

  • Small coverage:-

It rarely reaches the majority of a market segment. Therefore, for an effective exposure, either several magazines must be used or some alternative media must supplement the magazine schedule.


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