What Are The Challenges Faced By Company Due To Diversity?





Challenges faced by the company due to diversity
* Framing policies for the organisation becomes difficult as different groups may be having different expectations.
* The organisation has to be culturally sensitive as a particular action, decisions etc. may not be perceived in the same manner by different groups in the organisation.
* Discrimination on the basis of caste creed, religion etc. may not be resorted to.
*  Employee empowerment may not be used as a tool to promote interest of a particular group.
* Grievance redressal cell should represent different sections of the society.
* Women development cell should be constituted which would look in to issues of women. This cell is important as the number of women at the work place is increasing every day.
* Diversity brings lot of variety, however if handled properly can bring in lot of creativity.
* Reservations if any to any segment of the society should be adhered to.
* Attitudes, goals, approach etc of seniors and junior may vary leading to conflicts.


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