What are the components of communication process?


To communicate effectively, you must get the following combination of elements correct.




Knowing exactly what you want to say is one of the most important elements in effective communication.  If you do not know what you are saying, how can you expect someone else to understand you?  It is generally a good idea to keep messages short and to the point.




The media you choose should be appropriate for the message you are putting across.  It could be verbal (spoken), non-verbal (body language, expression, tone of voice) or written (memos, reports, letters, posters).  It can also be electronic (SMS, fax, email)




How the message arrives at its destination is also important.  The most effective communication goes from the sender to the receiver in one step.  However, business sometimes complicate matters by sending messages via other people (such as your boss or secretary).  Sometimes information gets muddled (like Chinese whispers).




If you don’t send a message at the right time, you may as well not send it at all as it will be ineffective.  Sending Christmas cards in June is not effective, neither is telling someone they have done a good job and then sacking them!




If the above elements have all been carried out effectively then the receiver should be able to communicate back to the sender what the message was, or ask questions relating to it.  Feedback also allows the sender to discover whether the communication has been successful or not.




In addition communication can be formal or informal.  Formal communications tends to be written (especially in the form of letters, reports and memorandums) or verbal (i.e. meetings).  Formal communication involves business related matters.


Informal communication tends to be more verbal, face to face (i.e. meeting someone in the corridor) or written (i.e. a poster of a notice board).  It generally relates to less important business matters or other issues such as social occasions or ‘the grapevine’ i.e. gossip.

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