What Are The Different Concepts of Marketing?





1. The Exchange Concept
. According to this concept, exchange of a product between the seller and the buyer is the central idea      of marketing.

2. The Production Concept
According to this concept, consumers will prefer products that are inexpensive and widely available.

3. The Product Concept
This concept states that the consumers will prefer products that offer the best quality, performance or innovative features. .

4. The Selling Concept
According to this concept, a company cannot expect its products to be picked up automatically by the customers. It has to push its products in market by undertaking selling efforts such as advertising, publicity, salesmanship, sales promotion etc.

5. The Marketing Concept
. Marketing starts with determining consumer wants and ends with the satisfaction of those wants. It sees all marketing activities from the point of view of the consumer.

6. The Societal Concept. 

Organisations who support this concept, work at a balance between the three objectives of company profits, consumer satisfaction and public interest..



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