What are the different forms of organizational structure. Distinguish between Induction and Orientation Systems


Q.a. What are the different forms of organizational structure.

Ans. a. Organisations are economic and social entities in which a number of persons perform multifarious task in order to attain common goal. These objectives are best met collectively.  But it has to be structured so as to achieve specific ends. This structure is known as an organizational structure and can be differentiated into 3 types.

Sr. Organisational structure in 1950’s Organisational structure in 1950’s Broad Banding* (hierarchy containing smaller number of level or grades
1. Multi layers Flat/delayered Few levels
2. Manufacturing/labour Intensive Feed forward and very less control Empowerment/ownership
3. Autocratic Team Focused Pay the person based on Merit
4. Centralized Adaptive/Mobility Horizontal reinforces
5. Tightly held ownership Flexible Few Rules
6. Individual contributors Decentralized Market Driven
7. Narrow Responsibilities Externally focused

.b. Distinguish between Induction and Orientation Systems.  

Sr. Induction Orientation
1. Introducing the new employee who is designated as a probationer to the job, job location, surroundings, organization and various employees. Orientation is getting familiar with the policies and practices followed in the Company.
2. Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a company about the environment of the job and the organization in order to make the new employee acquainted The new employee has to report to the HR Department at stipulated date and time. From thereon he shall be guided by the HR Chief/Executive. He will be given brochures describing the organization’s history, products and philosophy. Review of the overall structure, authority structure and policies and practices of the company.
3. Gives a sense of belonging and commitment to the new employee Personnel/HR department will discuss company benefits. New employee is to fill out health, tax and other relevant forms.
4. Attaching a colleague to the new employee to reduce the new employee anxiety. Tour of the main building and auxiliary facilities.
5. Providing written and documented information through CD/floppies. Introduction to the workplace and the dept head and co-workers.
6. If the first impression is good then it helps the new employee to adjust to the work quickly and the supervisor’s time is saved to a great extent. Detailed discussion with the Chief Executive HRM /Dept Head about daily jobs routine and department policies and rules.
New employee on his own to get familiarized with the job.

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