The different mechanisms of learning are:
Learning mechanisms to aid Innovation and Experimentation
Use of innovative experts for briefing staff
Attending external training programs and conferences by staff.
Sharing of learning with other organizations.
Encouragement of staff to experiment.
Rewards for innovation.
Periodic staff meetings to share results of experiments.
Periodic staff meetings to share ongoing experiments.
Staff seminars on new developments.
Learning mechanisms to Aid Implementation of Initiative
Task forces for implementing new projects.
Preparation of contingency implementation plans.
Task forces to review practices and suggest innovations.
Incorporation of strengths of old practices in new practices.
Maintenance of records of organizational successes and failures
Top level reviews of innovations and changes.
Use of skilled staff for implementing changes.
Learning Mechanisms to Stabilize Innovations and Initiatives.
Task forces to evaluate innovations empirically
Periodic staff meetings to review organizational successes and failures
Task forces based evaluations of implemented innovations.
Task forces for institutionalizing changes and innovations
Widespread sharing of implementation experience.
Identification of actions needed to stabilize innovations/projects
Modification of plans based on implementation experience.
Conceiving alternate ways of implementing changes.