What are the different types of ESOPs?


Different types of ESOPs :

ESOP can be a one-time plan or an ongoing scheme depending upon the objective that the company wants to achieve. ESOPs can be in the form of ESOS (Employee Stock Option Schemes), ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Plans), Compensation Plans, Incentive Plans, SAR / Phantom ESOPs etc.

1.      Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) : Under this scheme, the company grants an option to its employees to acquire shares at a future date at a pre-determined price. Eligible employees are free to acquire shares on vesting within the exercise period. Employees are free to dispose of the shares subject to lock-in-period if any Generally exercise price is lower than the prevalent market price.

2.      Employee Stock Purchase Plan )ESPP) :  This is generally used in listed companies, wherein the employees are given the right to acquire shares of the company immediately, not at a future date as in ESOS, at a price lower than the prevailing market price. Shares issued by listed companies under ESPP will be subject to lock-in-period, as a result, the employee cannot sell the shares and/or the employee has to continue with the employer for a certain number of years.

3.      Share Appreciation Rights (SAR) / Phantom Shares : Under this scheme, no shares are offered or allotted to the employee. The employee is given the appreciation in the value of shares between two specified dates as an incentive or performance bonus, that is linked to the performance of the company as a whole, as reflected in its share value.


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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