What are the Dimensions / Determinants of Quality?


How to measure service Quality?


What are the Dimensions / Determinants of Quality?

It refers to the process quality as judged by the consumers during a service delivery and the quality of output judged after a service is performed.

Berry, Parasuram and Zeithaml conducted an extensive research in service quality and identified 10 criteria used by consumers in evaluating service quality as shown in the figure below:


Ten Dimensions of Service Quality


Dimension and Definition Examples of Specific Questions Realised by Customers
Tangibles: Appearance of Physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials.
  • Are the bank’s facilities attractive?
  • Is my stockbroker dressed appropriately?
  • Is my credit card statement easy to understand?
  • So the tools used by the repair person look modern?
Reliability: Ability to perform The promised service dependably and accurately.
  • When a loan officer says they will call me back in 15
  • minutes, does she do so?
  • Does the stockbroker follow my exact instructions to buy or sell?
  • Is my credit card statement free of errors?
  • Is my washing machine repaired right the first time?
Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.
  • When there is a problem with my bank statement, does the bank resolve the problem quickly?
  • Is my stockbroker willing to answer my questions? uestions?
  • Are changes for returned merchandise credited  to my

account promptly?

  • Is the repair firm willing to give me a specific time when the repair person will show up?
Competence: Possession of The required skills and Knowledge to perform the service.
  • Is the bank teller able to process my transactions without fumbling around?
  • Does my brokerage firm have the research capabilities to accurately track market developments?
  • When I call my credit card company, is the person enabled to answer my questions?
  • Does the repair person appear to know what he is doing?
Courtesy: Politeness, respect,consideration and friendliness of contact personnel.
  • Does the bank teller have a pleasant demeanor?
  • Does my broker refrain from acting busy or being rude

when I ask questions?

  • Are the telephone operators in the credit card company

consistently polite when answering my calls?

  • Does the repair person take off his muddy shoes before

stepping on my carpet?

Credibility: Trustworthiness,believability,   honesty  of the service provider.
  • Does the bank have a good reputation?
  • Does my broker refrain from pressuring me to buy?
  • Are the     interest            rates/fees charged by my credit card
  • company consistent with the services provided?
  • Does the repair firm guarantee its services?
Security: Freedom from danger, risk or doubt.
  • Is it safe for me to use the bank’s automatic teller machines?
  • Does my brokerage firm know where my stock certificate is?
  • Is my credit card safe from unauthorized use?
  • Can I be confident that the repair job was done properly?
Access:  Approachability and ease of contact,
  • How easy it is for me to talk to senior bank officials when I have a problem?
  • Is it easy to get through to my broker over the telephone?
  • Does the credit card company have a 24-hour, toll-free telephone number?
  • Is the repair service facility conveniently located?
Communication: Keeping customers informed in  a language they can understand and listening to them.
  • Can the loan officer explain clearly the various changes

related to the mortgage loan?

  • Does my broker avoid using technical jargon?
  • When I call my credit card company,      are they willing to listen to me?
  • Does the repair firm call when they are unable to keep a

scheduled repair appointment?

Understanding            the Customer: Making the effort to know customers and their needs.
  • Does someone in my bank recognize me as a regular


  • Does my broker try to determine what my specific financial objectives are?
  • Is the credit limit set by my credit card company consistent with what I can afford (i.e. neither too high nor too low)?
  • is  the       repair   firm     willing to         be        flexible enough     to accommodate me schedule?



It was found that there was a high degree of correlation between most of these variables. They

are consolidated into five broad dimensions.

  1. Tangibles: Tangibles are those factors which the consumer can feel, hear and touch. Tangible are used while assessing the physical qualities and before the service is experienced. For an example, you would not like to be served by an unclean waiter with dirty uniform and perhaps you would never visit such a restaurant again.
  2. Responsiveness: It refers to the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. Responsiveness is an important dimension for those customers who require some extra service over and above that is usually provided.
  3. Empathy: It means the power of understanding the customer’s feelings and needs that enables the server to take care of the customer and provide personal attention. It is described as human touch.
  4. Assurance: It means that the knowledge which the provider possesses enables him to perform the services competently. It also includes courtesy aspects such as politeness and respect for customers.’
  5. Reliability: It is the capacity to deliver the promised service accurately on time. The milkman who delivers milk on a regular basis in time is reliable.


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