What are the essential checks when the Letter of Credit is received?

Essential checks when the Letter of Credit is received
It is essential to check the Letter of Credit as soon as it is received. The following is a checklist to be reviewed immediately on receipt of a Letter of Credit:
  • Is the credit subject to UCP500?
  • Are there any terms or conditions within the credit which cannot be met? If so immediate arrangements must be made with your importer for the credit to be amended.
  • Can the goods be shipped within the period set by the Letter of Credit?
  • Do any documents need to be legalised?
  • Can the mode of transport specified be used?
  • Can shipment be made from the port/airport specified?
  • Are the prices correct?
  • Do the credit terms conform with the underlying sales contract?
  • Are the names and addresses of both opener and beneficiary complete and correct?
  • Is the credit irrevocable on the part of the overseas bank? (under UCP500 this is the case unless stated otherwise)
  • Are drawings under the credit negotiable or payable in the UK rather than abroad?
  • Are the description, price and quantity of the goods are in accordance with the terms of the contract? (Remember that under-drawing a credit may sometimes cause problems, e.g. if trade discount has been forgotten when the opener instructed his bank)
  • Are the insurance requirements of the credit acceptable?
  • Can the required documentation be obtained?
  • If part-shipments and transhipment of goods are prohibited, can the full quantity of the goods be exported on a vessel direct from the port of loading to the port of destination?
  • Can the goods be shipped within the period specified and documents presented to the bank within 21 days from the date of shipment (unless a shorter time is stipulated) but, in any case before the credit expires?

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