What are the factors influencing complaining behaviour?


What are the factors influencing complaining behaviour?

Ans.    Satisfaction and complaining can be said to be inversely proportional to each other. Dissatisfaction is found to be one of the biggest reasons for complaining behavior. Even factors like demographics, situations and psychology are into play when a customer decides whether to complain or not.

The following factors can be said to influence complaining behavior:

[A]    Consumer Specific Factors :

1.      Individual characteristics : An individual’s personality, demographics, attitudes, beliefs, culture etc will play a role in deciding whether he complains or not. For e.g.: a confident and assertive person is more likely to speak his mind.

2.      Knowledge and experience as customers : Previous experience of complaining episode or testimonials of others largely influence consumer complaining behavior. A study says that the less knowledgeable and more inexperienced the customer, the less likely he is to complain.

For e.g.: a consumer might blame his lack of awareness for handling a product and not complain even (fit turns out to be faulty.

3.      Importance of the product/service to the customer : Customers attach certain degrees of importance to any purchase made by them. The likelihood of complaining depends on this degree.

For e.g.: insurance policies, spa treatments, child care centres etc.

4.      Reconstruct sense of fairness : In instances when the customer has had an unpleasant encounter with the service provider, he seeks to rebuild his self-esteem. He does this to prove his want to be treated with respect and dignity.

For e.g.: a disagreeable instance at the airport, or a public place would make a customer angry & emotional and he would complain to regain his self esteem.

[B]    Product Specific Factors :

1.      Cost of the service : The customer will complain to recover the economic loss of a product or failed service after considering the cost of the product. For e.g. Insurance claims against insurance companies, airlines ticketing etc

2.      Durability of the product : Generally it is found that, products with more durability or shelf life will evoke more complains than the ones that have a low life expectancy. For e.g., one is more likely to complain in case of a faulty refrigerator than a pen

[C]    Environment specific factors :

1.      Perceived cost of complaining and time: Customer may choose between a written or oral, legal or informal way of complaining depending on what he perceives to be the cost that he needs to incur.

2.      Perceived redressal system of the company : If a company comes across as one that is keen and willing to work on feedback, a customer may feel more confident in sharing his Concerns and dissatisfactions. A company’s willingness to pay attention and offer a remedy or solution can calm down turn an irate customer.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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