What Are The Factors Responsible For Popularity of Social Responsibility Concept?





Factors Responsible for popularity of Social Responsibility Concept:


  • Growing Expectation –

                 The normal expectations of different social groups & also the society are growing & deepening. The businessman finds it difficult to ignore such growing expectations of the society.


  • Favourable Image –

                 Business have a desire to create a favourable image in the society.

They are willing to expand their areas of operations & spend on those areas for such an image. In order to get social social recognition, the businessman  must accept more social responsibilities.


  • Threat of Strict Control –

                Businessman have now realized that if business doesn’t respond to social obligations the government will compel them to accept social responsibilities through social social legislations.


  • Professional Management –

                The introduction of professional management has given a boost to the idea of social responsibility of business.


  • Fast changing Business Environment –

                 Changes are taking place rapidly in the business environment. For eg – Consumerism, government control, ecological balance etc. These have put on pressures on business to assume social responsibility.


  • Organized Labour Force –

                   The business have no alternatives but to accept the demands & expectations of the organized labour force because of their pressures.


  • Realization of Long Term Benefits –

                    Businessman have realized that it is in their interest to assume social responsibility in the long run to expand business with the support & co-operation of the entire society.


                                  Thus the concept of social responsibility is applicable to all    business irrespective of their size & nature of activity. The concept is now universally accepted and recognized. It has been termed as “Corporate Science”.



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