What Are The Main Functions of Indian Service Institutions?


Indian Service Institutions


Service Institutions:-


  • Indian Institute of Foreign Trade:-

provides short term and long term training on International business for various levels of executives. Conducts research on various problems of international business.


  • All foreign trade information is assimilated IIFT journal (Foreign Trade Review)


  • India’s Trade Promotion Org. (ITPO) promote exports and imports by the medium of fairs and exhibitions held in India and abroad, to undertake publicity, through print & electron9ic media., to organize buyer/ seller meet. ITPO also provides information & business intelligence to business community in India. It organizes visits of buyers & trade delegations.


  • NCT:- provides latest trade/ business and economic information to keep Indian & Foreign enterprises in promotion of trade from & to India.


  • Indian Institute of Packaging:- The main aims of Indian Institute for Packaging are to undertake research on raw materials for packaging industry to keep India in step with international developments in field of packaging to organize trading programs on packaging technology, to organize consultancy services for the industry.


  • ECGC:- for minimizing the risk element in import business and to facilitate the flow of the finance from the banks to exporters. ECGC was established in addition to the normal risk policies, it assists. The export through special schemes as packing credit guarantee, post shipment credit guarantee and export production finance guarantee


  • EXIM Bank:- extends Finance to exporters of capital and manufactured goods, exporters of S/W. and consultancy services to over seas joint venture sand construction projects abroad.


  • Indian Council of Arbitration:- promotes and encourages.


  • Amicable settlement of trade disputes with a view to generating goodwill in the field of foreign trade. The council conducts training courses course on commercial laws. It also conducts regular meetings of businessmen. Representatives of export promotion councils, public sector undertaking, chambers of commerce & trade partners meet to discuss Problems of self lucent of disputes.


  • Federation of Indian Export Organization:- Coordinating platform for the various export organizations including commodity organizations and service institutions.


Besides these the govt. of India and the state govt. have set up no. of govt. trading corporations at the national and at state levels.



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