What Are the Most-Wanted Movie Sequels of All Time?




1:Master and Commander 2: Rising Tide

Ship captain wheel movie

A lot of people skipped over ‘Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World’, but it was actually a great movie. This is an awesome representation of naval combat in colonial times that’s fun to watch and historically accurate. That kind of film is rare, so a sequel would be a nice surprise.

For the second film, Jack Aubrey (Russell Crowe) would be called back into action to command a British warship in a massive confrontation with the French. Aubrey has earned a special commendation for his previous performance, but he’s underestimated by the other captains and his crew. ‘Master and Commander 2: Rising Tide’ would center around Aubrey’s struggle to impress his crew and make an impact on the battle.

2:School of Rock 2: Rock On

Young girls playing music movie

Jack Black can be pretty hit or miss, but in ‘School of Rock,’ he was just a lot of good, clean fun. Playing the lovable loser Dewey, he turned a young group of school children into rock stars. There’s a ton of opportunity for a sequel, where the kids are grown up and start to rebel.

In ‘School of Rock 2: Rock On,’ the now teenaged band members break off from the band. After bumming around for a few weeks, Dewey learns to enjoy just playing and teaching music to the young students at his music school. Dewey then forms up the previous band members to perform one last farewell show. Fill in the gaps with Jack Black’s amusing antics, and you have a great sequel.

3:Blade Runner 2: Replica

Android robot machine man

The original ‘Blade Runner’ came out at a time when humanoid robots were nothing but science fiction. A sequel would have a lot of impact in today’s world, with robots and artificial intelligence rapidly improving. The aging special effects of the first film could also be outdone by modern CGI.

In ‘Blade Runner 2: Replica,’ an older Deckard (Harrison Ford) is drawn back to the city after a replicant of himself has appeared and is assuming his identity. He returns to find out that duplicates are appearing everywhere, and chaos has resulted from the confusion. The city draws close to an all-out conflict as Deckard races to discover who is creating the replicants.

4:Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 2: Early Retirement

Matthew Broderick at the world premiere of his new movie The Producers

Honda showed us that a Ferris Bueller sequel was a good idea with their commercial starring Matthew Broderick. The antics of ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ are just asking to be re-imagined with an older Bueller trying to avoid a day of work.

‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 2: Early Retirement’ would bring the whole gang back together for another crazy adventure while Bueller’s boss tries to nail him for calling in sick. While the basic premise of the film isn’t anything new, there could be a lot of great gags that make fun of their old age. This film basically writes itself.

5:Jumper 2: Reflex

Man jumping over rocks movie

With the way that ‘Jumper’ ended, it was obvious that the director intended to make a sequel. This underrated action movie has some really cool ideas and decent special effects, and this cliffhanger ending really needs to be resolved. Since Jumper was originally a trilogy of books, some of the storyline can carry over.

In ‘Jumper 2: Reflex,’ David (Hayden Christensen) and Millie (Rachel Bilson) have made their escape, but they’re forced to keep moving. David eventually decides to stop running and settle down, but it’s not long before he’s captured by his mother (Diane Lane). Millie becomes depressed and angry, but then she learns that she also has the ability to jump. She locates another jumper and they set out to rescue him from the Paladins.


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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