What are the negative effects of not detaching?

What are the negative effects of not detaching?
If you are unable to detach from people, places, or things, then you:
Will have people, places, or things, which become over-dependent on you.  Run the risk of being manipulated to do things for people, at places, or with things, which you do not really want to do.  Can become an obsessive “fix it” who needs to fix everything you perceive to be imperfect.
Will most probably become powerless in the face of the demands of the people, places, or things that you have given the power to control you.  Will be blind to the reality that the people, places, or things, which control you, are the uncontrollable and unchangeable you need to let go of if you are to become a fully healthy, coping individual.  Might become caught up with your idealistic need to make everything perfect for people, places, or things important to you even if it means your own life becomes unhealthy.  Run the risk of becoming out of control of yourself and experience greater low self-esteem as a result.  Run the risk of losing your autonomy and independence and derive your value or worth solely from the unhealthy relationship you continue in with the unhealthy person, place, or thing.

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