What are the Objectives of International Marketing?




•    To bring countries closer for trading purpose and to encourage large scale free trade among the countries of the world.

•     To bring integration of economies of different countries and there by to facilitate the process of globalization of trade.

•     To establish trade relations among the nations and thereby to maintain cordial relations among nations for maintaining world peace.

•     To facilitates and encourage social and cultural exchange among different countries of the world.

•     To provide better life and welfare to people from different countries of the world. In addition, to provide assistance to countries facing natural calamities and other emergencies situations.

•    To provide assistance to developing countries in their economic and industrial growth and thereby to remove gap between the developed and developing countries.

•    To ensure optimum utilization of resources (including surplus production) at global level.

•    To  encourage world  export  trade  and  to  provide benefits  of  the  same  to  all  participating countries.

•     To offer the benefits of comparative cost advantage to all countries participating in international marketing.

•     To keep international trade free and fair to all countries by avoiding trade barriers.


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