What are the organization factors needed to support an effective performance appraisal system. Write short notes on Assessment Centre


Q.a. What are the organization factors needed to support an effective performance appraisal system.


Ans .a.  Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behaviour of employees in the work place normally including both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance. Performance refers to the degree of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an individual’s job. It indicates how ell an individual is fulfilling the job demands.


Every organization has to decide upon the content to be appraised before the programme is approved on the basis of job analysis. The content to be appraised may vary with the purpose of appraisal and type and level of employees.


The key factor in an organization to support an effective performance appraisal system is as follows:

–              Organizational planning based on potentialities of human resources.

–              Human Resource Planning based on weakness, strengths and potentialities of human resources.

–              Organizational effectiveness through performance improvement

–              Fixation and refixation of salary, allowances, incentives and benefits

–              Original placement or placement adjustment decisions

–              Identifying training and development needs and to evaluate effectiveness of training and development

Needs and to evaluate effectiveness of training and development programmes

–              Career planning and development and movement of employees


The indicators of a successful performance appraisal system at ICODE Software are:

–     Culture of the system

–       Employees fully trust the system

–       Employees treat the system as a means to evaluate their arrears of improvement

–       Employees do not see the system as a mere assessment tool

–       Openness and transparency in the organization


Sr. Company Performance Appraisal
1. Xerox Provide a core set of metrics for use across organization
2. Toyota Focus performance reviews on goals rather than numbers to ensure employee alignment
3. Federal Express Daily Performance Measurement Reporting. CEO team weekly analysis review.
4. Fed Ex Design a balanced scorecard performance measurement system


Q.b. Write short notes on Assessment Centre.

Ans. b. This method of appraising was first applied in the German Army in 1930. Later, business and industrial houses started using this method. This is not a technique of performance appraisal by itself. In fact it is a system or organisation, where assessment of several individuals is done by various experts by using various techniques. It includes techniques like in basket, role playing, case studies, stimulation exercises, structured in sight, transactional analysis etc.

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