What are the Principles of Delegation?


The following are the principles of delegation:


1)    Principle of Functional Definition: The related or similar activities should be grouped together according to enterprise function. When the definition of a position is clear then delegation of authority becomes simple.

2)    Principle of Unity of Command: the basic management principle is that of unity of command. This principle states that a subordinate should report only single superior. This will give a sense of personal responsibility.

3)    Principle of Delegation by Results Expected: The delegation of authority should be based on the basis of results expected. The .authority should be sufficient to achieve the desired results.

4)    Principle of Absoluteness of Responsibility: The responsibility of subordinates, once he has accepted the work, is absolute to his superior. The responsibility of the superiors does not decrease once he has delegated authority. A person can delegate authority and not responsibility .He will remain accountable for the work even if it is delegated to the subordinate. So the responsibility of superior and subordinate remains absolute.

5)    Authority Level Principle: The managers delegate authority to subordinates but have the temptation to make decisions for them. They should allow the subordinates to take their own decisions as per the authority delegated to them.

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