What are the principles of Indian Ethos?


Principles of Indian Ethos :

(1)     Infinite potential and divinity of all souls :

Every human being has immense potential and reflects the divine. However humans must realize that they are the Spirit, the Divine.

You are not a human being who sometimes goes through a spiritual experience – you are, indeed, the spirit, going through a human experience. As Emerson said – “Man is God playing the fool”! Once man understands his divinity and Infinite power, he is at peace with the world.

“Tesham Sukham Tesham Shanti Shaswati” – infinite happiness and infinite peace come to those who see the Divine in all beings. Human must understand that even though our outward appearances are different, all of us have the same consciousness.

“Paraspar Devo Bhava” – regard the other as a divine being. Have strong, steady and inextinguishable faith that you and all others around you are divine. There is, as it were, an infinite ocean behind, and each of us is a wave coming out of that infinite ocean – and each one trying to manifest that infinite outside.

(2)     Welfare of All:

Accepting the divinity in oneself and in all creation, and that we are all interconnected, we must strive towards perfection in our work as well as for the welfare of the world. This holistic approach, if applied in management, will lead to the competent functioning of the enterprise and the greatest good for the entire environment.

“Atmano Mokshartham Jagat Hitaya” – i.e. “for gaining perfection in individual life, as well as for the welfare of the world.” This is the motto of the Ramakrishna Math & Mission, and depicts the ideology formulated by Swami Vivekananda.

(3)     Work Results and Detachment :

This is really the essence of the Bhagavad Gita which says that one must perform duty without ego and expectations of results – i.e. in the true spirit of Nishrkama Karma, selfless or desireless action : An action must be performed without any expectation of fruits or results. When you are doing a job, put your heart and soul into it and the results will follow. This implies working for the sake of work, generating excellence for its own sake, and not for any extrinsic rewards. This would be called “detached work”.

(4)     Equanimity :

Equanimity is a state of mental or emotional stability or composure, arising from a deep awareness and acceptance of the present moment.

Everything in life comes in duality, whether it is day and night, summer and winter, mind and matter created by God, or the pleasures and pain, success and failures experienced by man. It is so, because both things are incomplete without each other. The irony is that humans, inspite of knowing this, seek and pursure one side of the coin only. We tend to forget that both pleasure and pain are merely a play of the Divine and we must accept both with equanimity.

(5)     Unique work culture :

“Work is worship, Duty is God.” According to Indian Ethos, work must be offered to the Supreme Power to God, because the energy which enables us to perform work is given by the Power or God. Hence work is considered as worship.       All kinds of work are sacred – there is no superior or inferior work. Work is meant to bring out Divinity and foster spirited growth of an individual. Such thinking is also seen in the Zen philosophy of the Japanese which aspires them to achieve perfection in work.

(6)     Dignity of Work :

Believing that all humans are equal and embody divinity, each one’s work is of equal importance. In the Indian culture, whether at home or the workplace, respect for all individuals at all levels is important.

“Archet Dana Manabhyam” – “Worship people not only with material possessions but also by showing respect to the divinity within each of them.” If this concept be applied in life and management today, there would be increased tolerance and no problems between labour and management.

(7)     Know Yourself : (Who Am I?)

Before you start to manage resources and others, what is very important according to the Indian Ethos is to manage yourself and that will only be possible if you know yourself. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and your reactions to your environment. Recognizing that you and all others are part of the Divine Spirit, and therefore all have Divine qualities, will lead to peace and harmony in living.

(8)     Co-operation & Collaboration :

Accepting the divinity in all creation, humans must nurture one another.

“Parasparam Bhavayanta Shreyah, Param Bhavasathya” – by cooperation, respect and feeling of fellowship, all of us can enjoy the highest good, both material and spiritual. Hence what is prescribed in the “Spirit of Yajna” i.e. cooperation and collaboration for the greater good rather than for competition.

(9)     Good thoughts lead to good actions :

In the Indian context, the attention to the means ensures the end.

          “Yadishi bhavanayasya siddhi bhavati tadrishi” – As we think, so we succeed, so we become.

(10)   Vasudhiva Kutumbakam :

          The concept of the entire universe being a family has been an integral part of the Indian ethos. Indians have been true global citizens treating the world as a family rather than territory meant to be conquered or acquired This concept of extended family exists even in business organizations and allows the employees to function in harmony.

(11)   Ananda or Bliss :

Ananda means happiness or bliss. Literally, ‘aa’ means ‘from all sides’ and ‘nanda’ means joy or happiness. Thus, literally speaking, ‘ananda’ means joy from all sides. In the spiritual context, ananda is an external aspect of Brahman which we experience when we are united with Him. When there is no distinction between the knower and the knowing, the object and the subject, one becomes immersed in bliss.

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