What are the similarities of International Marketing and Domestic Marketing?


There are four basic points of similarities between domestic marketing and international marketing:

(1)  Consumer satisfaction: In domestic marketing and international marketing, success depends upon satisfying the basis requirements, of the consumers. It involves finding out what the buyers want and meeting their needs accordingly.


(2)  R. & D.:  In domestic marketing and international marketing, research and development for product improvement and adaptation is required.


(3)  Goodwill: In domestic market and international market, building goodwill is required. Building consumer goodwill is very important. The days of caveat emptor have gone and the days of caveat vendor have come. Liberal guarantees and after sales service have to be provided on a massive scale, to win over customers.


(4)  Non-human factors: Non-human factors like product, price, cost, etc. are similar to both the markets.

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