What Are Types of Non-Trade Barriers?


Non-Trade Barriers

Types of NTB’s: There are two types of NTB’s:-


  1. The first type include which are generally used by developing countries to prove for ex outflows or result from their import licensing, import quotas, for ex regulation and canalization of import.


  1. The second category of NTB’s are those which are mostly used by developed countries to protect domestic industries which have lost international competitiveness & which are politically sensitive for the govt.


A brief account of Quotas an important tool of NTB is given as under:-

Quotas:- Quantitative restriction which take the form of quotas is an important traditional means of restricting imports and exports. The impact of Quotas is quiet to restrict the quantity of imports, in order to protect the interests of the domestic producers on to conserve for ex. Resources.









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