What Can We Do For Women’s …Equality? Education? Safety? Freedom?



Anciently women was behind the bars and was never allowed to walk shoulder to shoulder with men. The aspect changed and brought a modernity in India which saved all women from living a dead life. The rights of a women was raised up and she got justice. We are in the rude years of independence now where women are completely talented and capable to compete men. But again the devils seem to be spreading like an epidemic choking breathe of every women. India is again through its tough years of fighting justice for its moral rights, for safety, health, empowerment and education. Again a slashed fight. Maybe the first fight was not completed. There are so many small areas and places in India were a women’s rights are curbed. So what should be done so that a human who has all things same like a men is treated like this? What mistake is it to be born as a girl? Some brainless men who are creating defecations should not forget who gave them birth and beard for months in her womb safely so that they can open their eyes and see the world.

A global study has found that India’s women are among the worst-off when it comes to health, education and employment indices. Why do you think that we lag so far behind in this respect, and what can be done to improve our nation’s score? When this question was asked – a lot of valuable ideas came forth which if applied – would not stop India towards extreme development. The dream is to give equal rights to all humans. Maybe if he is a boy or she is a girl. All are equal.

Gender inequalities and their social causes impact India’s sex ratio, women’s health over their lifetimes, their educational achievements as well as their economic condition. Gender inequality in India is a multifaceted issue that concerns men and women alike. Gender inequality in India is linked to kinship rules rooted in cultures and gender norms that organize human social life and relations, as well as promotes subordination of women. On the economic note – women make up half of the world’s population and without their engagement, empowerment and contribution, we cannot hope to achieve a rapid economic recovery nor effectively tackle global challenges such as climate change, food security and conflict.




The scenario for a girl child is different. When we talk about the poor condition of India’s women, regressive attitude towards them and poverty are the root causes, both of which result in malnutrition and lack of education. We see how in poor family- girl child is considered secondary in all ways – for food, healthcare, education. The girl child is burdened with domestic responsibilities when both parents work which ultimately only affects her education and health. While many are married at a so early age due to sick traditions or insecurity about finances. The girls are deprived from education which does not give them decent employment in their adulthood. This is also due to inaccessibility to quality education, unavailability of higher schools nearby, lack of separate toilets. In some cases the trauma of sexual abuse results to disinterest in studies. The parents who want their girl to study further find this odd trauma problems. To change this brutal sad condition of women it is necessary to create awareness against gender discrimination and empower women by educating them and giving them financial and social support. Importance of family planning also needs to be stressed.


The past set up of Indian society where women were deprived through education and hence suppressed financial freedom. However, things are slowly changing and women are breaking age-old shackles. Women in rural areas refuse to marry if there is no provision of a toilet in their groom’s house which is surprising and a happy note. It is a matter of shame that even after six decades of independence people are forced to defecate in open, which is humiliating and unsafe, especially for women. Women when gets education and employed it gives her self-confidence and also financial freedom. It’s the duty of the government to provide these facilities to all women for education, sanity and gain employment.


When we constantly hear of violence against women and yet stay silent, this abject line quality and global humiliation can be only outcomes. We all feel bad about the evils perpetrated against women, but these feelings never take shape as action. A new anti-rape bill was passed in April 2013, after the Delhi gang rape case got a lot of media attention. The law made rape a non-bailable offence, yet gender crime continues unabated. Gender-specific socialization is very prevalent in India. When we know a baby girl is born in our locality, we have customs of gifting her dolls and a kitchen set, through which we make her realize that her role in life is rather submissive. At the macro level, we often can’t believe that a women rising through the ranks is doing it on the basis of her talents. We assume it must have at least something to do with superficial reasons such as how she looks or how charming she is. What can be done is through knowledge. Women need to realize they are strong as men, in all fields. Economic independence is a must too. Women need to earn for themselves. At the same time we must all speak up against atrocities that happen to us or the women in our lives. We are not playthings or sexual objects. We must be free to live our lives in freedom and WITHOUT FEAR.


We need to fix this issues in the home first. We must groom our sons to respect women, and make sure they interact with them on equal footing and with respect. We must also teach our daughters to demand what they deserve, whether it be in the workplace or in personal relationships. It is only at this macro level where we can effect change, because it is here that people’s mindsets are formed. People need to let go the stereotype and make statement “all are equal” but also make it stand true in all aspects.






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