What critical aspects of the Indian ethos need to be imbibed by an international company seeking to set up business in India?

What critical aspects of the Indian ethos need to be imbibed by an international company seeking to set up business in India?
Meaning of Ethos:
Characteristic spirit of a community comes out of traditions, customs, beliefs etc not necessarily cognitive, but necessarily manifest in behaviour and thinking. Oxford English dictionary defines Ethos as “The characteristic spirit & beliefs of community/ people which distinguishes one culture from the other.” It is a part of the psyche of the people in the community. Ethos has nothing to do with ethics. Ethos may be behaviour that is not desirable, but it is behaviour that is normal, spontaneous, unplanned. It is the result of the lessons (beliefs, values) that have been stored in subconscious, from the variety of experiences from childhood onwards, discussions (criticizing or praising people or events) at home, epics & fables and folklore.
Indian Ethos:
Actually it is difficult to define Indian Ethos because India is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious. Behaviours differ considerably between metropolitan cities & villages, between north, south, east & west, according to different religious persuasions & a number of other factors that affect culture. Indian ethos are drawn from the Vedas, the Ramayana, Mahabharata, the Bhagavad-Gita & Upnishaad.
An international company wishing to set up a business firm in the Indian scenario should first understand Indian ethos. Because management & managing people is an integral part of any business. People behave & respond according to their ethos. Understanding ethos helps obtaining satisfactory responses from people. Responses become more positive if the practices are as per the ethos of the persons managed.
Thus the salient ideas & thoughts for Indian ethos in management that the intending company should keep in mind are as follows:
  • Atmano Mokshartham, Jagat hitaya cha.
All work is an opportunity for doing good to the world & thus gaining materially & spiritually in our lives.
  • Archyet dana manabhhyam.
Worship people not only with material things but also by showing respect to their ever-present divinity within.
  • Atmana Vindyate Viryam
Strength & inspiration for excelling in work comes from the Divine, God within, though prayer, holy readings & unselfish work.
  • Yogah karmasu kaushalam, Samatvam yoga uchyate.
He who works with calm & even mind achives the most.
  • Yadishi bhavana yasya siddhi bhavati tadrishi
As we think, so we succeed, so we become. Attention to means ensures the end.
  • Parasparam bhavayantah shreyah param bhavapsyathah
By mutual co-operation, respect & and fellow-feeling all of us will enjoy the highest good both material & spiritual.

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