What did BMSites get after slogging so hard.. Babaji ka Thullu!



Why did we work so hard 6 months, well the answer is simple so that the university could laugh at us and say, ‘Who’s the boss?’ We practised ‘working capital’ sums like nobody’s business and a single sum didn’t come. Important theory answers from papers like service sector management that had appeared so many times in the past papers just did not come.

At least one Short note question was extracted from God knows which underground debris of the syllabus and the cherry on the cake was the only 51% result that came out. Mumbai University really ensured that BMSites across the state consistently cursed themselves for taking up the course.

With difficult papers a balance can be struck out if the correction is easy, but for all those who have worked super hard in the past two years the Sem 5 marks hurt like hell. Many of the BMS students were MBA aspirants and now potential B-schools won’t consider them because their aggregate marks fell due to the Sem 5 results.

While those who didn’t want to pursue an MBA, the case is just the same for any other PG course. Job seekers have it even worse, any BMS graduate who would want to apply in a back office, HR, Marketing or finance department in any organisation would be laughed upon because of their ‘so poor’ marks. What is the use of a BMS graduate with a specialization in finance if his marks in Finance are so poor?

Students took up BMS because it had a wider scope than a B.com course. The prestige and exclusivity of a BMS course was in the hard work but at the end of this hard work we got awful results as returns to our slogging.

This year there has been no support from the university. The results clearly indicate only one thing that BMS karke students ko kuch mila hai toh wo hai ‘ Babaji Ka Thullu’.

This article was not meant to go against anybody’s feelings or sentiments, it was put up due as a reflection to the demands from BMS students across the city who are extremely hurt and crestfallen at the results!


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


  1. What the **** are these results..??
    My friends result shows Absent for FM paper..?
    another friend who expected more than 30 HRM got zero.!
    Are these bloody ppl out of their mind.?
    how they can be so rude..
    it is just a game of making money.!