What do you mean by Communication?


Communication is the most important activity of the business management. The business is handicapped without communication.  Now a days the importance of communication is increasing day by day in every field of organization private / public sector.  The management can not take any step without communication.  Generally communication word has been derived from the Latin Word Communis that means ‘common.  However communication incorporates, beside commonality, concept of transfer, meaning and information.  The Communication can be defined as the process trough which two or more persons come in to exchange ideas and understanding among them.   In the very common sense the “communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals and or organization so that an understanding response of results.” Some authors provides the definition of communication in the very simple  which are given as under:-


“Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotion by two or more persons. —  W.H. Newman and C.F. Summer Jr
The process of communication involves the communication of ideas. The ideas should be accurately replicated (reproduced)in the receiver’s mind i.e. the receiver should get exactly the same ideas as were transmitted. If the process of communication is perfect, there will be not dilution, exaggeration or distortion of the ideas.  The transmitter is assured of the accurate replication of the ideas by feedback, i.e. by the receiver’s response, which is communicated, back to the transmitter.

Managerial communication is a process which involves the transmission and accurate replication of ideas.  :- William Scott.

Communication is vital to our existence in civilized society. It is en essential to the functioning of the organization our society has produced.  Communication is the process of the business without it no organization can be running smoothly and it is no possibility to met the requirement of the business without communication.  – Harbert Simon


    After conduct the carefully study of these definitions we should say that communication is  an important tool, activity, process of the business and organization which help the manager / businessman  in overall control on the business. If the sources of communications should be available in the business.   A human can not live more without blood in the same condition a business can not run without the sources of communication. The communication is the blood of business .  No business can developed without effective internal and external communication.

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