What Every Girl Searches in a Boy and What All Does a Boy’s Dream Girl Have!


guy best friend

Everyone has a set of expectations that differs from one person to another be it in choosing a career or choosing a life partner.

Life-partner! Isn’t that a great word? A big decision! One of the most important tasks of our life is choosing a life partner as a life partner is a companion for life and we need to choose the person wisely taking into consideration all the required important aspects of one’s life. Likes, dislikes, dreams, passion, ambitions, future plans, etc.

It is not important that the one you choose as your life partner should be a replica of Queen Elizabeth she maybe a simple average looking girl with a golden heart. “Love at first sight” We all have heard the following one-liner many a times in movies, daily soaps, etc. But does it really happen well it may happen if the opposite person is extremely beautiful or handsome this love mainly takes into consideration a person’s looks. And only very few times one may fall in love at first sight with one’s gesture or their nature but normally it’s always looks that take the front seat. Looks fades but what is important in any human being is their personality. A good personality can charm hearts easily. A well behaved and well-mannered person is always respected by all.

The first thing any girl notices in the boy is their attitude. The way they treat others especially girls. A boy without sense of humor would be whole heartedly accepted by any girl but a boy without manners is one which any girl wouldn’t tolerate. Manners are the first thing which girls notice.

Boys on the other hand are not concerned with the girl’s attitude the only thing they want from them is their attention. They do care a little about their behavior and intelligence but do not give it much importance.

Success is the second thing that usually girl’s notice in boys as who doesn’t want a luxurious life or if not a luxurious life atleast lead a life as she used to at her father’s home.

Boys aren’t bothered about the girl’s success because even if a girl earns a crore per year it will not spare the boy from earning rather he would be expected to more than the girl. So success isn’t real concern for guys!

If both of them understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and accept it with happiness that’s the sign of compatibility.

A decision controls your happiness therefore, one should think wisely before concluding to a decision.


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Afifa Qureshi


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