What Everybody Ought to Know About Amy Adams


What Everybody Ought to Know About Amy Adams

1) Amy Adams, an American actress and singer made her debut in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

2) Amy Adams became famous with her role as Brenda Strong in Steven Spielberg’s Frank Abagnale biopic Catch Me If You Can.

3) Amy Adams received critical acclaim and first Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress for the film Junebug.

4) Amy Adams received her 2nd Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations and first BAFTA Award nomination for her supporting role in 2008 film Doubt.

5) Amy Adams received further success for portraying roles in Man of Steel, Her, American Hustle in the year 2013.

Amy Adams Photos:

Amy Adams  (1) Amy Adams  (2) Amy Adams  (3) Amy Adams  (4) Amy Adams  (5) Amy Adams  (6)

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