What Everybody Ought to Know About Election Results In Jammu & Kashmir


What Everybody Ought to Know About Election Results In Jammu & Kashmir

Election Results In Jammu & Kashmir

Final results from Jammu and Kashmir

BJP: 25
Congress: 12
NC: 15
PDP: 28

1) The Election Commission of India has declared the results for 80 out of 87 assembly seats out of which the PDP has won 28 seats and the BJP has won 25 seats. 

2) JKNC and Congress are out of the competition as they have got only 15 and 12 seats respectively.

3) Amit Shah said :”We are sad that former CM Arjun Munda lost the election but he is a seasoned party leader and he will continue to work for the party”.

4) PDP is the most successful part in Jammu and Kashmir state.

5) The ruling CM of J & K  Omar Abdullah had lost the Sonawar seat to PDP’s Mohd. Ashraf Mir and then managed to save his pride by winning the Beerwah assembly seat by a margin of over a 1000 votes. 

6) However, the BJP, for whom Narendra Modiji had carried out an extensive ‘Mission 44+’ campaign in J & K, failed to make any breakthrough in the Valley and Ladakh.



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