What Everybody Ought to Know About “Jammu and Kashmir”



1. Jammu and Kashmir  is a state in northern India. Jammu and Kashmir consists of three divisions Jammu, Kashmir Valley and Ladakh, and is further divided into 22 districts.

2. Jammu and Kashmir is the only Indian state that has its own official flag and constitution, and Indians from other states cannot purchase land or property in the state.

3. The flag of Jammu and Kashmir features a plough on a red background symbolising labour.The three stripes represent the three distinct administrative divisions of the state, namely Jammu, Valley of Kashmir, and Ladakh.

4. In Jammu and Kashmir languages spoken are Kashmiri, Urdu, Dogri, Pahari, Balti, Ladakhi, Gojri, Shina and Pashto. However, Urdu written in the Persian script is the official language of the state.

5. Jammu and Kashmir is home to several valleys such as the Kashmir Valley, Tawi Valley, Chenab Valley, Poonch Valley, Sind Valley and Lidder Valley.



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Soumya Nadar

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