What Everybody Ought to Know About Joe Cocker


What Everybody Ought to Know About Joe Cocker

1) John Robert or Joe Cocker died on 22nd December 2014 at the age of 70 due to cancer.

2) Joe Cocker was an English rock and blues singer who became famous in the 1960s for his gritty voice and cover versions of popular songs.

3) Joe Cocker’s cover of the Beatles’ “With a Little Help from My Friends” reached number 1 in 1968 in UK.

4) Joe Cocker has received various awards including a 1983 Grammy Award for his US number one “Up Where We Belong” a duet with Jennifer Warnes.

5) Joe Cocker ranks No. 97 in Rolling Stone’s 100 greatest singers list.

Joe Cocker  (1) Joe Cocker  (2) Joe Cocker  (3) Joe Cocker  (4) Joe Cocker  (5)

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