Hey all,
Let me share today something unusual, about which not many of them would be aware about, even I came to know about it through my best buddy, so this happened in the 17th century, yeah long back, and it has got no link with present but then it is one of the mystery that remains unsolved even today.
So just have a quick read about mysterious September 1752 which will amaze you for sure.
- The British Empire days from 12th September-14th September, never belonged to the year 1752.
- In this month England shifted from Julian Calender to Gregorian Calender, and Julian calender is 11 days longer then Gregorian calender, and hence the those 11 days were wiped off from the Gregorian calender.
- Pope Gregory III adopted this calender, as he and his astronomer felt that Julian Calender did not match up the solar system accurately.
- So all Britain employees were paid for 30days of September, even when workers actually worked for only 19 days,and from there onwards concept of paid leave existed, well we owe a gratitude to Pope Gregory III for this 😉
- These dates still remain mystery for all the historians as the concept of “Old” and “New” calender is still vague.
- Summary of the 1752 Calendar Change
31 December 1750 was followed by 1 January 1750
24 March 1750 was followed by 25 March 1751
31 December 1751 was followed by 1 January 1752
2 September 1752 was followed by 14 September 1752
31 December 1752 was followed by 1 January 1753
For clear understanding, just have a look at this video :
So folks, See you all in next article, and if you find this article fascinating and mysterious feel free to share to your adorable’s , as knowledge is all about sharing and gaining 🙂