What Everybody Ought to Know About True LOVE



Although there is no exact definition of love in any book I am just gonna take it from where they so astutely point out as a concept of ‘Being together until the end of times, keeping aside each other’s differences’. Maybe it is a correct definition, maybe it is not. Everyone has their personal definition of love but do we triumph on it righteously? Do we ascertain that silver lining? Most of us are gonna pause here before thinking any further. And that’s perfectly normal, we all are human beings, none of us are perfect or can be perfect.

   You know the books we read, the movies we watch all are nothing but delusions. You cannot fathom a person who has wronged you so many times and be copacetic about it. You simply cannot.

      I want to say about love, from what I see what I feel, Love is a Want, a Want every one of us strives. I mean, God has made a pair of everything; the Sun and the Moon, a Man and a Woman, a Male and a Female of every other mammal or animal or reptile it is right in front of us, you just need to look around.

     I am gonna particularly talk about us, The first part is Want, the other part is our ‘Comfort zone‘. Now we need to man up and understand what is our comfort zone? People tend to share, their lives, their happiness, their disappointments and with a lover who is close to our heart we share even our darkest fear and even our greatest strengths which we may not even have shared it to our childhood friend or even our parents. So I must say the ‘special one’ is resided in our palaces of heart where everyone else are forbidden, where he/she alone benefits the laurels.


    And since I have made a point of ‘Want’ and ‘Comfort zone’ I would further like to add that intimacy is inevitable in a relationship, it consists of both ‘Want’ as well as ‘Comfort zone’ every one of us get intimate sooner or later and we all shade our ‘intimacy’ while we are talking to that loved one.

   People say things which are humorously funny and believe me I literally laugh when people say to me these cliché tormented thoughts: ”Love happens only one time”, “I don’t believe in love”, “I will never try it again”, ” Love is only magical in fiction” I laugh at this, because you know, I said the same to myself when I was into it. But guys, the truth is, it happens again and I give you my word it will be more beautiful from what you have experienced. It will happen once in your lifetime which may not be your college crush or your ‘secret admirer’ but that ‘special one’ who will make you realize that you wanna spend the rest of your life only with them and that you have got a purpose to live.

   And yet certainly love cannot sustain our survival in this world I would still say that the instinct of ‘someone is waiting for me’ and then when he sits beside you and embrace you and tenders you, at that moment your heartbeat starts racing and pounding so much that he draws your tendril away from your face and kisses you… This feeling makes you like a winter breeze and you just wanna take him and go into seclusion… That is your Silver Lining.


Dedicated to my best friend Taha Khanjiwala and his ‘Special One’. My OTP-One true Pairing.


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