What Everyone Is Saying About Upcoming Star Emma Stone!


Emma Stone, the versatile, beautiful, charming, loved-by-all female actor is in news again! She has signed up for the next Woody Allen movie, opposite Joaquin Phoenix. Woody is going to write and direct this yet untitled movie as usual!

Emma Stone’s audience isn’t really happy with this news, cause they think she should work with people who inspire, adore her and give her opportunities which will send her to the Oscars and not the other way!

Emma has hacked a lot of hearts with her performance in Spider-Man. Her role in Easy A was very impressive and everyone loved her sense of humor. She effortlessly wins the heart of the audience.

She has been dating her co-star of Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield and he absolutely loves her! I mean how can someone not adore Emma? He is one lucky bum who gets to date this girl, for sure!

I definitely love, love and love her for her sense of fashion, the way she puts up her character in every movie, be it being hilarious in Easy A or romantic in Crazy, Stupid, Love and House Bunny, she does it so well. She is surely one of the upcoming actors and would love to see her experimenting with her acting skills in movies in the near future!

What do you think about her work? Don’t you think she just rocks your socks off? Share your thoughts about the same.

– Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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