What is an Indian Family?



There always are a few people who know us better than we know ourselves, those who don’t judge us, people who always love and care for us without expecting anything in return, who would always guide us and give us advice, who will stand by us even when we ask them to leave, the ones who come to our mind when we have to share a good or bad news, in simple words people with whom we can cry and laugh… they are – family.

Having a family is a very important aspect in every individual’s life. The bond and ties of an Indian family are stronger than those in the west. As in our country family is a part of our culture. Indians are known to be living in a joint family for many years now. Things have changed in the 21st century but what still remains the same is the love and affection people share even if they stay in nuclear families.

Indian families primarily consist of the head of the family that is the grandfather and grandmother, then their children that is the father and mother and the siblings either brother or sister and their spouse and their offspring’s. There is also always an extended family as we term today which consist of cousins or close family friends. This is the basic structure of an Indian family but there is much more to it than what is visible to the naked eye.

The way in which all these individuals stay together and love one another unconditionally is the real beauty of an Indian family. There is a bonding between the father and son, mother and daughter, siblings, uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, the in-laws, etc is the basic genesis of the family. All these individual bonds are the basis of the family being together.

In an Indian family the most important role is that of the head of the family who holds all of them together. Karan Johars Dharma Productions have made movies which showcase the beautiful bond of an Indian family, one of them being “Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gum” there was also another movie called “Hum Saath Saath Hain”. Every person plays a pivotal role in the family.

Family is very important for the way a human being shapes up. Family is gives strength to an individual and acts like an emotional anchor. An Indian family is basically like a roller coaster ride – it goes through fun moments and difficult time’s together holding on to one another. A roller coaster has safety belt likewise family members protect and support one another through ups and downs. Moreover an Indian family is not only about blood relations it is about all those relations which stand by an individual through the roughest patch in the journey of life.

Value those who hold you on your fall and motivate you to climb the ladder of life.

–        Anjani M Nautiyal

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namrata desai


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